Katie got more and more tired and more and more wound up as the day went on yesterday. After dinner I gave her a bath and then of course when it was time to go to bed, she started to cry. Then I remembered, when my neice Heather and my kids were little and my mother was trying to put them to sleep at her house she would bounce them on the edge of the bed. Well if you've ever slept on a Chinese bed you know that it is not something that bounces. So I cradled her and bounced her on with my legs and her tone of crying immediately changed then slowly faded. She started to relax and finally went into a wonderful, long restful sleep. Thank you, Mom!!!.
While watching her behovior, I feel that she is emotionally about the age of a 2 year old. She is challenging everything. Jim let go of her hand while we were in the store for a split second and she was immediately gone, running around the corner and down the aisle.
Right now she's watching TV. There's a children's show on with cartoons, singing and dancing. The show has songs in English, too. Almost like how Sesame street teaches Spanish.
We have a free day today and it feels so good, though I would much rather be on our way home. We still have to wait for her passport to be ready before we go onto Guangzhou on Saturday. But we'll be home one week from Thursday.
We took these pictures while we were shopping yesterday. The woman with Katie and I is our guide, Maggie, from CCAI. She's been great and is always ready to help us out.
1 comment:
I called gramma three days ago to tell her you were posting new things to your blog daily. I hope she got online with the way I set up the computer! I'll call her again today to see. If not, I'll stop by this weekend and help her read about your great adventure.
Best, Heather
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