Right after our last post, we went to the bank to exchange money and then took a taxi to Civil Affairs office. When we walked in there were about a dozen precious children singing when they saw us they all began saying "hello" to us with beautiful smiles. They loved it when we said Nihao. Before we were settled in the office, Katie was brought into the room. Her eyes were bright and she had a beautiful smile on her face. We immediately said "nihao" to her. "Mama", "Baba". The caretakers explained and she loved it all. After a few minutes she was taken out and we took care of the business. We were hoping to unload a pile of our cash, but we still have to deposit it into the bank. When we were ready to leave, she had a coat on from the orphanage, but I had brought one for her. We asked if they wanted to keep it for another child. I was afraid that Katie would object because it had a wonderful giraffe in it. But she loves her purple coat. Then I brought out her new hat and mittens and she beamed!
From the civil affairs office we went off to get a picture taken of the three of us together, then to lunch. Boy did she eat. She likes noodles, meat and sweets. We loved watching her working with her chopsticks. She's not very good with them yet, but she sure works hard at it. She loved it all. Everything was so new to her.
We came back to the hotel to get a much needed rest. She takes a nap after lunch and we didn't sleep much last night. We laid her down in bed, and I laid down with her. She yawned a few times, and then - she realized the fun adventure had stopped for a while and started to cry. She was in this strange room with these strange people and she wasn't ready to sleep. So we let her explore. I got out markers, crayons and paper and she loves it. Right now she is coloring in the Strawberry Shortcake coloring book. She is very meticulous, it's surprising.
This afternoon we went to the adoption registration office. Another family was there that we knew were in the area. For those from the egroup is was Jenn and her husband with Samuel. We had been following them around all day. We both finished all the adoption paperwork and now it's official. Katie is a now a Skinner!
She just loves everything that's new. She's playing with the toys that we brought for her and keeps looking at me to be sure that I approve of what she's doing. Of course Baba was also playing with the ball with her.
We have so much to learn about her. She is beautiful and delightful. She also uiuiiiiiii bbbbbbhhhhbbbbjvgf cffgf (that was a bit of her typing) checks out EVERYTHING! Vff gghhgdxda and is fascinated with it all. Baba's sleeping and she's getting busier. Gotta go.
We are SO happy for you!
Love the pictures.
Great write-up!
We felt like we were there with you.
It was moving.
Mom, this freakin' rocks out! i can't believe ti! i love it! i soo can't wait for you to get back into the states!!!
pictures ere hot, and that jacket.. just beautiful
so dave didnt call me to tell me you guys where over there untill today. i am very excited for you all and the first thing i am going to do when i get out of school is come out and get to know the new addition to the family.
your first adopte,
Jonathan ;)
I mean, I'd heard about this whole thing happening, but don't think I really GOT how huge this is. Wow. Amazing story... Katie is beautiful.
I am SO excited and very happy for you...like P&J, it was very moving and I felt like I was there, right with you! I really can't wait until you come back to the states! Love, Karen
Way to go Mr. Skinner! Us Bulldogs are
prayin' and hoping for a safe return home:) Freeman's class is so unSkinnerish now... Please bring pictures and tell us about the food:)
I am verry happy for you and your family... I'm certain that Katie loves being a Skinner....Turn her into a soccer superstar!(better than Mia Hamm:) PS: Watch out for Falling Rock, I don't want to see a big bruise on ur head:)
God Bless
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